: this class is not key value coding-compliant for the key xxxxxxxx. If you google this message, there're a lot of solutions. Here I provide another different situation. Suppose there's…
Cargo tracking is ready for sale.
We're happy to announce that the cargo tracking utility tool is ready for sale today. This time this utility tool provide the cargo tracking facility ONLY for OOCL shipping company.…
Card Magic Trick is ready for sale.
We're happy to announce this interesting card magic trick apple iPhone app. You can watch a demonstration video at YouTube. iphone app card magic trick (YouTube) CardMagic (Local video .flv…
Cargo tracking is ready to roll again
After withdrawed the previous version of cargo tracking. We're applying for seond version of cargo tracking utility tool. This time we will provide the container status for OOCL line. Hope…
Card Magic Trick is ready to roll
After two novels and one utility tool development, we're happy to announce this amazing new entertainment application - Card Magic Trick which is currently in the Apple Application Store for…
誰溫暖了工程師 上架了
誰溫暖了工程師 於今日上架 有購買的朋友 如果有任何意見 可以在這裡反應 謝謝您
Kdenlive for mac installation cost me 12 hours
After google for several free video editing software for mac os. I decided to download and install kdenlive. It never comes to my mind that it would be a disaster…
CargoTracking – Withdrawed
This is a simple application to inquire the container delivery status. Only containers shipped by EverGreen lines could be inquired. This application was withdrawed spontanesously due to some people's concern.…
MiniBook – 第一個軟體
這個應該算是練習用的軟體,練習包括兩個部份:一是完全陌生的電腦程式語言Objective C++;另一則是Apple Application Store的整個軟體生命週期管理。 內容則是2008年iT邦幫忙舉辦的IT鐵人賽的系列文章之一。
IT(Information Technology)和愛情,是一般人不會連想在一起的兩個題目。 而IT人在一般人的印象中,大都是理工科系呆板無趣的刻板印象。 我們很幸運,認識了一位作者,從事多年的IT工作,但卻有著感動人心的文筆。 這次藉由iPhone的平台發表這部小說,希望能夠讓更多的人看見作者的心血,期待能獲得更多的迴響及共鳴。 預計2010年11月底上架。