[iOS 8 / iPhone 6(Plus)] Feedback is welcome.
Since iOS 8 / iPhone 6 (Plus) was released to the market, there would be some unexpected situation happened to all the iOS app. Please feel free to provide feedback…
Since iOS 8 / iPhone 6 (Plus) was released to the market, there would be some unexpected situation happened to all the iOS app. Please feel free to provide feedback…
Today we submit Dated Camera Pro (D-Camera Pro) 2.2 to the app store for review. There's two features added in this version : 1.Camera selection (Front / Rear) 2.Flash mode…
After studied iOS/Facebook integration technical specification, we have implemented the "share via facebook" facility in the Dated Camera app. Hopefully that you can share with your friends if you like…
Since I bought a iPhone 5 this month. I started to update some iOS app to fully support iPhone 5 resolution. Fix some bugs in the same time. Dated Camera…
免費的日期相片相機app 國外的下載量遠超過國內的下載量 評價和意見也相當的多 其中有些提到可以收費 便寫了個收費的版本上架 收了費就比較不好意思無視使用者的意見 有位使用者反應沒有英式日期格式 即dd/mm/yyyy 花了一些時間加了這格式 修正後於8/11上架
我一直不能理解 為什麼iPhone的相片上沒有日期 我明白 在相片裡的EXIF有記錄日期時間 但是每次要看相片的時侯 卻要透過另外的軟體才能知道拍照的日期 我還是覺得 直接在照片上看到日期比較簡單 在網路上搜尋過一些app 不是要付費,就是用的不順手 乾脆自已寫一個 今天上架了 名稱:Dated Camera 費用:免費