Submit Photo name v2.2 for appstore review
To optimize for iPhone 5 resolution, I submit Photo Name v2.2 today for appstore review. According to previous user comment, someone comments about that this app 'only' show image name…
To optimize for iPhone 5 resolution, I submit Photo Name v2.2 today for appstore review. According to previous user comment, someone comments about that this app 'only' show image name…
Since I bought a iPhone 5 this month. I started to update some iOS app to fully support iPhone 5 resolution. Fix some bugs in the same time. Dated Camera…
近日終於下定決心 入手一隻 iPhone 5 將電視節目表找出來 針對 iPhone 5 做一些優化 1.顯示去掉上下黑邊,變成全螢幕 2.修正行事曆提醒功能 本來還想加個使用者 feedback 機制 下個版本再加吧(懶)